

음악치료가 학습장애아동의 자기표현 및 사회성에 미치는 영향


The Effect of Music Therapy on Improvement Self-Expression, Social Ability for Student with Learning Disabilities

김진애, 최애나

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to find out how musical therapeutic programs can influence on children’ self-expression and social skills. 12 sessions were conducted from September to October, 2007 to 2 children who are 2nd and 3rd graders studying at special education classes in K elementary school located in Chung Cheong Province.
Both of them were classified into students with learning disability in the school so they were receiving general education in a regular class and at the same time separate education in a special class.
Therapeutic process was observed and analyzed by video-recording, and for objectivity an advisor and a student majoring in music therapy participated in the analysis together. This study was conducted, focusing on improvement of self-expression and social skills through various methods of musical therapy held in musical therapeutic sessions.
In sum, the results of this study are as follows;
First, as musical therapy progresses, their verbal and non-verbal skills in expressing themselves were improved. For example, passive and quiet voice became more specific and longer, adding adjectives and describing their emotion in details.
Secondly, as musical therapy progresses, they were inattentive, shouted, did some aggressive behaviors at first but they started to apologize their faults and forgive from the middle of session.
In the latter of the session, they stared at each other’ eyes, actively played together, tuning in and showed some changes such as giving in and complimenting each other.
As above, musical therapeutic programs have made behaviors such as care about others, cooperation, emotion control increase in children with learning disabilities than before participation in the music therapy programs.
This result has come out because musical therapy has a positive effect on stability, self-control and relationship improvement in a perspective of emotional and social development, and represents that musical therapy has a meaningful effect on the self-expression and social skills of children with learning disabilities.


본 연구는 초등학교 학습장애 아동들에게 음악치료 프로그램을 적용하여 자기표현 및 사회성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대해 알아보고자 하는 목적으로 초등학교 특수 학급 2, 3학년에 재학중인 2명의 학습장애아동을 대상으로 주2회 40분씩 총12회 세션을 실시하였다. 치료과정은 비디오로 녹화하여 관찰 분석하였고, 음악치료 세션 안에서 이루어지는 여러 가지 음악치료 기법을 통한 자기표현과 사회성 향상을 중심으로 질적연구 방법을 채택하였다.
음악치료 결과 학습장애 아동들이 참여 이전보다 언어적, 비언어적 자기표현력 향상과 상대방에 대한 배려, 협조, 감정통제 등의 행동이 증가하였다. 이러한 결과는 음악치료가 정서 및 사회성 발달 측면에서 안정과 자율성 그리고 사회성에 긍정적 영향을 미치기 때문이며, 음악치료가 학습장애아동들의 자기표현 및 사회성에 의미 있는 효과가 되었음을 의미하는 것이다.


 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
  2. 연구 문제
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 학습장애
  2. 자기표현
  3. 사회성
 Ⅲ. 연구 방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 연구 설계
  3. 치료 내용과 과정
 Ⅳ. 연구 결과
  1. 음악치료 활동에서의 사회성과 자기표현의 변화 분석
  2. 요약
 Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
  1. 결론
  2. 제언


  • 김진애 Kim, Jin Ae. 대전대학교 보건스포츠대학원 예술치료학과
  • 최애나 Choi, Ae Na. 대전대학교 보건스포츠대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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