A Study for “he Nature Zen Dance(Mooechum)”of Wonhyo`s
Wonhyo`s “he Nature Zen Dance(Mooechum)”which was influenced by Saint-Hyegong and Saint-Dean and it was a form of dance which is composite art designed to advocate socialization of awareness. And the dance contains his thought which puts together Saint and Man into one mind.
That is why Wonhyo presented more dynamic and free life in the dance.
We can understand that it is an expression of simple original form of mercy.
In this point of view, “he Nature Zen Dance(Mooechum)”has the value to study as the first expressive arts therapy in terms of a form of composite art and a type of meditation psychotherapy.
And one thing we found is that Wonhyo tried to visit noted mountains to practice Zen, and danced deliberately in order for people who got hurted to soothe and lead into the world of attaining Budddahood setting and psychotherapy, and the zen dance he danced was not vulgar and not against the commandments but to enlighten the public. And through the period of United Silla Kingdom and Koryo Dynasty, with keeping time difference of each about 100 years, two monks and Leeinro who observed “he Nature Zen Dance(Mooechum)”wrote the contents directly by poetry and eulogy.
The poetry and eulogy have done an important role to maintain “he Nature Zen Dance(Mooechum)”until the present times, without them would have been a crisis that was nearly expired at the slightest slip. And one more thing I would like to say up to this point is that I gave a related data which we can study about maintaining historic significances to my thesis.
In the result of Choseon Dynasty’ policy of the ban on Buddism, the dance was not practiced to all the temples. But I was able to hand down the pulse of “he Nature Zen Dance(Mooechum)”by special connection.
And, thanks to your efforts and zeal, we are able to put this dance into practice once every year starting from 2004.
원효의 『무애춤(無碍禪舞)』은 그에게 교외별전(敎外別傳)의 법을 전하였던 혜공대사와 대안대사의 자재한 춤을 연구하여, 깨침의 사회화를 주창하고자 창안한 종합예술적인 춤이다. 그리고 그 춤은 성(聖)과 속(俗)을 일심으로 아우르고, 걸림 없는 그의 무애사상을 담고 있다. 그런 까닭에 『무애춤』은 가장 원형적인 표현으로 자유로운 삶의 모습을 보여주었다. 그러면 이 시점에서『무애춤』을 새롭게 연구하는 또 다른 이유는 무엇인가? 그것은 삼국의 환란 속에서 자존적인 삶을 살았던 원효가 자비보살의 방편의 하나인『무애춤』을 시작으로 민중과 고락을 함께 하면서 그들의 아픔을 치유하였기 때문이다. 이런 점에서 종합예술적인 면과 동작명상치료의 역할을 겸한 『무애춤』은 오늘날 표현예술치료의 효시로써 연구검토 할 가치가 있다.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 원효무애춤의 시대·사상적 고찰
1. 무애춤의 시대적 배경
2. 무애춤의 전승과 사상
3. 무애춤의 성격과 삼무애
Ⅲ. 원효무애춤의 문헌 및 현재적 분석
1. 무애춤의 문헌분석
2. 무애춤의 현재적 분석
Ⅳ. 결론