

지상 자동추적체계의 국산화 개발


Development of a Ground Auto-Tacking System for Localization

이상식, 최승진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Unmanned combat system is an enabler to conduct high risk operation without personnel loss. State of the art unmanned combat system for highly efficient and survivable operation requires digital system based on image processing and control system technologies. As one of the cases of exploiting such technologies the「Ground Auto-Tracking System (GATS)」with which operating personnels can move weapon azimuth and elevation by joystick in a safe remote place - mobile or stationary - while he is monitoring images sent by wired or wireless transmission is increasingly being fitted with precision control for gun pointing accuracy and stabilization control for negation of external road induced vibration. Securing operational convenience through target lock-on and auto-tracking function is another factor because crew fatigue arising from constant aiming of targets eventually leads to loss of target and seriously compromises operational efficiency.
Proposed the 「GATS」is composed of weapon and sensor platform, external device for drive and stabilization and internal device for fire control. This study explains operational concept for both wartime and peacetime performances and presents firing test results revealing outstanding performances of the「GATS」.


 1. 서론
  1.1 개발개요
  1.2 해외사례
  1.3 개발연혁
 2. 자동추적체계의 개발
  2.1 운용개념과 체계구성
  2.2 무장장착성
  2.3 구동범위와 구동특성
  2.4 무장안정화
  2.5 영상자동추적
  2.6 영상장치구성
  2.7 영상독립구동
  2.8 사격시험
 3. 결론


  • 이상식 Lee, Sang Sik. 삼성테크윈(주) 제어기술그룹 수석연구원
  • 최승진 Choi, Seung Jin. 삼성테크윈(주) 제어기술그룹 선임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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