

요구사항 문장의 정량적 품질평가를 위한 실무적 고찰


A Practical Approach for Quantitative Quality Evaluation on Requirement Statements

김상천, 이정훈, 천기진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A good requirement is necessary, verifiable, and attainable to satisfy stakeholders of weapon systems. It reduce a dominant cause of cost and schedule overrun of the developing system. But one of the fundamental problems associated with writing good requirements is that most engineers are not specifically trained to write requirements. The basics of well defined requirements are clarity, conciseness and simplicity.
This paper presents a structured methodology for measuring the quality of requirements, individually and collectively. It is shown that requirements may be characterized by ten quality factors, each with an associated metric, and by an overall requirements quality metric. In addition, a tool which estimates requirement statements quality quantitatively is presented.


 1. 서론
 2. 요구조건의 품질척도
  2.1 요구조건의 데이터베이스 구축
  2.2 요구조건의 품질척도
 3. 요구조건의 기술수준 평가
  3.1 문장구조의 평가
  3.2 문장품질의 평가
  3.3 요구조건의 종합평가
  3.4 요구조건의 데이터 관리
  3.5 평가의 결과
 4. 결론


  • 김상천 Kim, Sang Cheon. LIG넥스원 연구개발본부 선임연구원
  • 이정훈 Lee, Jaung Hoon. LIG넥스원 연구개발본부 주임연구원
  • 천기진 Chun, Ki Jin. LIG넥스원 연구개발본부 수석연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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