

항공기구조를 위한 시험평가기술의 적용에 관한 연구


A Study on Application of Test & Evaluation Technology for Aircraft Structures

최청호, 이윤표, 황돈영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Design development and Operational test are performed appropriately during the every stage for development of aircraft structures. Design development test includes the basic material properties test and component certification test and Operational test is to verify performance of the all composed system. The element of material properties test are based on the ASTM method, but for the certification test of components a few methods are applied according to the level of technology.
Composites materials for Carbon fiber and Glass fiber are evaluated in the Tension-Tension fatigue test and fatigue fracture surfaces of the materials is shown. Concept of Safe-Life is reviewed as mean stress is dominant effect on the structures when applying Miner's damage rule. Damage Tolerance design is reviewed in the test and evaluation as of Willenborg's crack retardation model typically and discussed shutoff ratio of the model. Finally a simulation result of the model is shown for the special case of structures by using the example of AFGROW S/W.


 1. 서론
 2. 개발단계와 시험평가
  2.1 탐색/개념설계단계
  2.2 기본설계단계
  2.3 상세설계단계
  2.4 초도운용단계
 3. 구조의 설계 및 해석
  3.1 구조설계의 적용
  3.2 복합재의 손상허용 설계
 4. 시험평가기술의 적용
  4.1 재료물성시험
  4.2 설계개발시험
 5. 결론


  • 최청호 Choi, Cheong Ho. 대한항공 기술연구원 부장(연구 1급)
  • 이윤표 Lee, Yoon Pyo. 대한항공 기술연구원 대리(연구 4급)
  • 황돈영 Hwang, Don Young. 대항항공 기술연구원 부장(연구 1급)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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