

재료, 물성 및 소자

BaHfO3 완충층을 사용한 IBAD MgO 기판 위에 제조된 고임계전류밀도의 GdBa2Cu3Oy 박막


High-Jc GdBa2Cu3Oy films on BaHfO3-buffered IBAD MgO template

고경필, 이정우, 고락길, 문승현, 오상수, 유상임

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The BaHfO3 (BHO) buffer layer on the IBAD MgO template was turned to be effective for a successful fabrication of GdBa2Cu3O7-δ (GdBCO) films with high critical current density (Jc). Both the BHO buffer layers and GdBCO films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The effects of the PLD conditions, including substrate temperature (Ts), oxygen partial pressure (PO2), and deposition time on the in-plane texture, surface roughness, and microstructures of the BHO buffer layers on the IBAD MgO template were systematically studied for processing optimization. The c-axis oriented growth of BHO layers was insensitive to the deposition temperature and the film thickness, while the in-plane texture and surface roughness of those were improved with increasing Ts from 700 to 800°C. On the optimally processed BHO buffer layer, the highest Jc value (77 K, self-field) of 3.68 MA/cm2 could be obtained from GdBCO film deposited at 780°C, representing that BHO is a strong candidate for the buffer layer on the IBAD MgO template.


 1. Introduction
 2. Experimental
 3. Result and Discussion
 4. Summary


  • 고경필 K.P. Ko. 정회원 : 포스코 기술연구원 선임연구원
  • 이정우 J.W. Lee. 학생회원 : 서울대학교 재료공학부 석박사 통합과정
  • 고락길 R.K. Ko. 정회원 : 한국전기연구원 초전도연구센터
  • 문승현 S.H. Moon. 정회원 : (주)서남 대표이사
  • 오상수 S.S. Oh. 정회원 : 한국전기연구원 초전도연구센터
  • 유상임 S.I. Yoo. 정회원 : 서울대학교 재료공학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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