

A Study on the Types and Processes of Information Production in Online Communities


Young-Mi Kim, Chan Koh

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The power of the internet community as a social network exerts great influence on all areas of our society not only on knowledge creation and knowledge sharing but also on politics, economy, and culture. This study aims to investigate how the diffusion process of information evolves on the internet in the new environment. The focus of the study is particularly on aspects of using information and the process of information production and the types and methods of online communities. It is the goal of the study to clarify aspects of the online community as an important mediator among universal means of communication in our society. Ways of social communication are changing rapidly and thus the reasoning for this change is very important policy issues to form a social consensus.


 1. Introduction
 2. Review of the previous discussion
  2.1 Concepts and features of the internet community
  2.2 Previous discussions related to dissemination of the internet information
  2.3. Internet inforrnation distribution process and dissemination of information
 3. Analysis of the information production in online communities
  3.1. Target of analysis
  3.2. Contents of analysis
 4. Implications of analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • Young-Mi Kim 김영미. Professor, Sangmyung University
  • Chan Koh 고찬. Professor, Seoul National University of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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