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센서모델링 함수최적화에 의한 좌표측정 기법


A Method for Coordinate Mensuration by Optimizing the Sensor Modeling Function


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, two coordinate measurement algorithms are described, which are based on one of the multidimensional function optimization methods, so called downhill simplex. One is for calculating relative height of a building, and the other is for calculating the 3D coordinate of a point. We also verify the algorithms mathematically and validate the algorithms by experiments. Two different image pairs are used for the experiments, i.e., IKONOS and Quickbird images, which have been acquired in 2001, 2005, respectively. And the results are compared with the data from GPS survey to evaluate the accuracy. It is shown that the accuracies of the suggested algorithms are within the intrinsic error boundary of the IKONOS and Quickbird images, and they are same as the results obtained by using rigorous sensor model, i.e., differential equations. Further researches are required to apply this method for calculating coordinates from multiple images with heterogeneous sensor models.


 1. 서론
 2. 센서 모델링
 3. 다차원함수의 최적화
 4. 좌표추출 알고리즘
  4.1 단영상 높이추출
  4.2 다중영상 3차원 좌표추출
 5. 위치정확도의 실험 및 결과
  5.1 대상 지역 및 자료
  5.2 높이의 측정
  5.3 지상좌표의 측정
 6. 결론


  • 고진우 Koh, Jin Woo. 국방과학연구소 선임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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