

The English Resultative and Experiential Perfects: A Reply to Mittwoch (2008)


YoungEun Yoon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Yoon, YoungEun. 2011. The English Resultative and Experiential Perfects: A Reply to Mittwoch (2008). Korean Journal of Linguistics, 36-1, 133-155. Mittwoch (2008) analyzes the meanings and distributional restrictions of the English Resultative and Experiential perfects. She proposes that the Resultative perfect derives the so-called "event" and "result" inferences, and that the former is part of the truth conditional meaning of the sentence while the latter is a special type of conventional implicature. She also states that the event denoted by the Experiential perfect should be repeatable, whereas the one by the Resultative perfect sentence is singular and close to the evaluation time, and it has the result state inference. However, she proposes that these generalizations could be violated depending on the context, and especially the lack of the result state inference of a perfect is led to its Experiential use regardless of its event singularity. Given these, this paper points out some problems of Mittwoch's analysis including her distinctions between Weak and Strong Resultatives, and between Resultatives and Experientials. Furthermore, it will be argued that Resultatives and Experientials are distinguished by explicature, not by the existence of the result state inference, and that the result state inference is a conversational implicature, not a conventional implicature. (Ewha Womans University)


 1. Introduction
 2. Mittwoch's Analysis on the Experiential and Resultative Perfects
 3. Some Problems of Mittwoch's Analysis
 4. Result Inference of Resultatives
 5. Resultatives and Experientials
 6. Conclusion


  • YoungEun Yoon Ewha Womans University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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