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기술 및 시장 기회의 결합에 근거한 연구테마 발굴모형의 설계


Design of a Research Theme Generation Model Based on Combining Market and Technology Opportunities

김점복, 안기현, 전정철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



One of the important missions of a corporation these days is to generate more innovative and successful research themes. Defense industries have invested their competencies heavily in generating their research themes to develop their own core technologies and new products led by their innovative trigger. This thesis presents a new process for extracting technology and market opportunities by analyzing external environment and internal conditions and generating highly successful research themes. Major accomplishment of this thesis is that the theme extraction model is designed to extract technology and market opportunities on a multi-dimensional space. Especially, it is a dynamic model that extracts technological opportunities by analyzing the variation pattern of technology development structure and by considering the quality of R&D outputs.


 1. 서론
 2. 선행연구의 검토
 3. 연구모형의 설계
  3.1 문제의 제기
  3.2 모형의 골격
 4. 기회발굴의 전개구조
  4.1 기술기회의 발굴구조
  4.2 시장기회의 발굴구조
 5. 테마발굴의 전개구조
  5.1 전개의 형태
  5.2 순차형 전개
  5.3 복합형 전개
 6. 결론


  • 김점복 Kim, Jeom Bok. 삼성전자 네트워크사업부 시스텀개발팀 개발운용파트 부장
  • 안기현 Ahn, Ki Hyun. 한국반도체연구조합 연구지원팀 팀장
  • 전정철 Jun, Jung Chul. 성균관대학교 산업공학과 개발공학전공 박사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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