

전자광학장비의 개발현황 및 발전방향에 대한 고찰


Review on Present State and Future Development Direction for the Electro-Optical Systems

이석환, 한동진, 강경목, 황병설

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ability to detect, aim and track targets and to assess the battle filed situation in combat provides tactical advantages and can determine the outcome of the battle. Electro-Optical Equipments provide this critical function, which is directly related to the combat strength in the battle filed.
The cameras based on visible light sensors, Image Intensifier Tube based devices, thermal cameras using infrared detecting sensors and LASER sensor based devices coupled with the optics systems technology, which can be tailored to the specific tactical requirements, are used in battle filed. Further, these devices have become not only passive detection devices, but also become active and multi-functional devices that are capable of Automatic Detection, Aiming and Tracking.
We must apply the Spin-on & Spin-off of the Military Technology and the Commercial Technology, which is based on Dual Use Science and Technology Paradigm, to further speed up the development process of Electro-Optical Equipment technologies.


 1. 서언
 2. 기술개요
  2.1 전자광학장비의 분류
  2.2 미광증폭방식 장비의 기술개요
  2.3 열상장비의 기술개요
  2.4 레이저장비의 기술개요
 3. 개발현황과 발전방향
  3.1 전자광학장비의 전력화 현황
  3.2 미광증폭식 야시장비
  3.3 열상장비
  3.4 레이저장비
 4. 결언


  • 이석환 Lee, Seok Hwan. (주)이오시스템 광학기술연구소 수석연구원
  • 한동진 Han, Dong Jin. (주)이오시스템 광학기술연구소 선임연구원
  • 강경목 Kang, Kyung Mok. (주)이오시스템 광학기술연구소 선임연구원
  • 황병설 Hwang, Byeong Seol. (주)이오시스템 광학기술연구소 주임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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