

함정추진기의 소음감소를 위한 핵심기술의 개선연구


A Study on Improvement of Core Technologies for the Propeller Noise Reduction of Naval Warships


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Our Naval Warships and naval architecture have leaped on a level with the best of the world. Also, technology of underwater intimidatory forces has improved. A acoustic stealth warship of the newest type is developing in order to insure survivability of the warship from the underwater threat of an enemy. Advanced countries give impetus to the researches for the need core technology. In special, Underwater Radiated Noise(URN) reduction and control are an important problem in the performance of underwater acoustic stealth systems. The URN level is decreased for submarines warships. This paper analyses the design characteristics of the warship propeller and derives the core technology as lower noise design, propeller design methods. In order to reduce the URN, it suggested the systematic plan of the mid and long term core technology and the experimental analysis method using the warships design ability, modeling & simulation test.
Therefore, this paper understand the domestic warships lower noise propeller design technology level and the dominant noise source of the underwater propeller is analyzed, which will provide a basis for proper noise control strategies. It was suggested that the roles of research institutes in naval warship core technologies should extended for the future.


 1. 서론
 2. 수중방사 소음감소의 기술동향
  2.1 선진국의 기술현황
  2.2 국내의 기술현황
 3. 수중방사 소음감소의 설계기술
  3.1 수중방사소음과 추진기
  3.2 캐비테이션현상의 분석
  3.3 캐비테이션 초기발생속도
  3.4 함정용 추진기의 설계
 4. 함정 저소음화기술의 개선발전
  4.1 추진기 소음설계의 핵심기술
  4.2 저소음화기술의 개선과제
 5. 결론


  • 계중읍 Kye, Joong Eup. 국방기술품질원 기술기획단


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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