We analyzed how curriculum quality of semiconductor subjects in universities had an effect on field adaptation in korea defence industry in this study. And we used the quality factors of semiconductor subjects of university as faculty, students' attitude toward studies, curriculum, environment of subject education. The sample was 287 graduates, graduated Bachelor degree in semiconductor within 5 years recently.
Analyzing the level of knowledge adequacy and a hypothesized structural equation model with the data collected, we could assure that the completion rate of major semiconductor subjects was about 40% and the rate of their knowledge adequacy was approximately 35%.
And it was found that there existed positive relationship among knowledge adequacy, quality factors of semiconductor subjects except for subject education environment factors. We also confirmed that the factors of students' attitude toward studies were more effected to their knowledge adequacy.
1. 서론
2. 관련연구
3. 분석방법
3.1 연구모형과 가설제기
3.2 자료수집과 분석방법
4. 실증분석
4.1 지식충족 수준분석
4.2 신뢰성과 타당성
4.3 연구가설의 검정
5. 결론