

The Korean Case Marker Allomorphy: Violable Constraints vs. Inviolable Constraints


Jae-Ick Park, Kwang Chul Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper provides an account of the selection of allomorphic case markers for Korean nouns with the notion of violable constraints and inviolable constraints. The current study first deals with the selection of optimal forms in the allomorphs of conjunctive, instrumental, objective, nominative, and vocative case markers which represent most Korean nominal case marker allomorphy. This study further argues that there are two groups of constraints--violable and inviolable, and that there are no rankings within the group of constraints. The candidate that violates an inviolable constraint will never become an optimal form or a variant (standard or non-standard), but a candidate that violates violable constraints can be a winner depending on the cumulative sum of violations. By adopting this proposal, one can explain for more diverse styles in speech


 1. Background
 2. Previous Analysis in OT
 3. Current Proposal in OT
 4. Violable vs. Inviolable Constraints
 5. Conclusion


  • Jae-Ick Park Kosin University
  • Kwang Chul Park Korea Nazarene University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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