Turkish 3rd person possessive suffixes have been quoted as counter examples to surface-oriented analyses including Optimality theory, as they apparently refer to input forms and the separate selection stages. This paper, however, shows that the Turkish examples do not pose problems for the parallel OT model. It is shown that the apparent opacity effect can be accounted for with the McCarthy's proposal of precedence constraints. With well-motivated revision of the precedence constraint with markedness satisfaction, the OT model with its candidate chain proposal can explain the apparently problematic Turkish data. As such, this paper shows the possibility of applying the candidate chain theory to the suppletive allomorph alternation and the need to further refine the theory by recording the history of markedness satisfaction, not faithfulness violation in candidate chains
1. Introduction
2. Turkish allomorphy selection : Data and problems
2.1. Data
2.2. Analytic problems
3. Markedness oriented precedence and Turkish allomorphy
3.1. Markedness-oriented Candidate Chain
3.2. Turkish allomorphy in MoCC
4. Conclusion