

The Interaction of Consonant Cluster Simplification and Aspiration Merger in Korean: A Stratal OT Approach


Eunjoo Han

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presents a Stratal OT approach to the noun-verb asymmetry with respect to the interaction of Consonant Cluster Simplification (CCS) and Aspiration Merger. It is proposed that the constraint hierarchy at the lexical level differs from that of the postlexical level particularly in the ranking between Align-R(PrWd, σ) and *h. Ranking Align-R(PrWd, σ) higher than *h blocks the effect of Aspiration Merger in nouns at the lexical level since noun stems form a prosodic word on their own. Hence, only CCS applies at the lexical level and then, Aspiration Merger occurs at the postlexical level. By contrast, the ranking of Align-R(PrWd, σ) does not have any influence on verbs even at the lexical level since verb stems cannot form a prosodic word by themselves. Consequently, Aspiration Merger can take effect at the lexical level in verbal inflection


 1. Introduction
 2. Consonant Cluster Simplification and Aspiration Merger
 3. Cho and Lee’s (1999a) Analysis
 4. A Stratal OT Approach
 5. Conclusion


  • Eunjoo Han Seoul Women's University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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