

3영어 동명사와 to-부정사 보충절의 도상적 분석


An Iconicity-based Analysis of Gerunds and To-infinitives as English Verb Complements


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to explore the difference in the conceptual distance between a minimal pair complements of to-infinitives and gerunds in English and how it is iconically reflected in syntax. When a group of English verbs takes two types of complements, the resulting minimal pair sentences are grammatical, but they show a conceptual difference.To elucidate the difference between the two complements from the perspective of iconicity, the degree of their finiteness is considered to be the linguistic distance between them and the matrix verb: to-infinitives are more finite than gerunds and thus signal more linguistic distance. Given this, a claim is made that iconicity is at work in the complement selection and that to-infinitives represent more remote conceptual distance than gerunds. To put it differently, the former connote the event which is more temporally distant in that it is what is to be realized at the reference time; they express what's more distant in mental space because they denote something specific; they also imply more emotional distance because of their marked or subjective situation


 1. 머리말
 2. 영어 보충철의 도상적 거리와 정형성
  2.1. 도상성의 원리
  2.2. 개념적 거리와 보충절의 정형성
 3. 개념적 거리에 의한 to- 부정사와 동명사의 기능과 의미 분석
  3.1. 시간적 거리로의 도상성
  3.2. 공간적 거리로의 도상성
  3.3. 감정적 거리로의 도상성
 4. 맺음말


  • 정영임 Young-Im Chung. 동아대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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