

The Effect of Live Music vs. Taped Music on Pain and Comfort in Palliative Care


Amy Clements-Cortes

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the effects of live music versus taped music on palliative care patients’ perceived degree of pain relief and physical comfort. Pain was assessed by the short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire, and physical comfort, the second dependent variable, was assessed by a VAS. The pain and physical comfort assessment instruments were administered in a pre- and post-test fashion. In total there were five scores yielded by the pre- and post-tests for each of the two sessions for each participant. Five regression analyses were run on the post scores as a function of pre score and session. Participants were inpatients of the Palliative Care unit of Baycrest Hospital, diagnosed with a terminal illness and were referred to the study by members of the interdisciplinary team. Participants had to be experiencing pain and taking a scheduled analgesic/pain medication as a result of their illness. Each subject was randomly assigned to the live or taped music group, and received treatment once on each of two days. Results indicated that both live and taped music were statistically significant in reducing pain perception and enhancing physical comfort, with the live music being more effective than taped.


 Conclusions and Discussions


  • Amy Clements-Cortes University of Windsor


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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