

Web 2.0 기술을 적용한 여행사의 웹사이트 시스템 구축 우선순위에 관한 연구


A Study on Priority of Web Site System Development for Travel Agency

조효연, 정용해

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of the present study is to develop an evaluation model for constructing an efficient Web site system to travel agencies trying to develop a Web site system for strengthening of the company's business competitiveness and satisfaction of customers' desire by introducing Web 2.0 that is being represented as the latest internet technology to satisfy expectation and desire about web technology of enhanced customers. The domains necessary for development of the Web site system's evaluation model for constructing the efficient Web site system and the suitable items according to each domain based on the existing previous researches appeared as follows, namely, three domains of Core Process, IT Infrastructure and Based Environment, a total of 12 items from each domain such as 6 items of Community, Commerce, Communication, Customizing, Contents, Connection in Core Process, 3 items of hardware, Web 2.0 and network in IT Infrastructure, and 3 items of policy, organization and manpower in Based Environment.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 정보시스템의 정의
  2. 웹사이트와 웹사이트 시스템
  3. 관광분야의 Web 2.0에 대한 연구
 III. 연구설계
 IV. 분석결과
 V. 결론


  • 조효연 Hyoyeon Cho. 인하공업전문대학
  • 정용해 Yonghae Jung. 인덕대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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