

대면종사자 교육이 서비스몰입과 직무만족, 조직몰입에 미치는 영향- 항공사ㆍ호텔종사자 중심으로


Effect of FLSE Training on the Commitment to the Service, Job Satisfaction, Commitment to the Firm - Focusing on Service Factory

유기석, 고선희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Research that examines approaches for improving frontline service employee(FLSE) commitment to service in the context of service factory is relatively scarce. According to Schmenner(1986) the landscape of service is divided into 4 quadrants with hotel and airlines belongs to service factory quadrant. Using a sample of 278 from service factory, we examined the effect of training(formal training, coaching) and FLSE commitment to service on job satisfaction and commitment to the firm. In this study, 5 hypotheses based on literature reviews were employed. The data and hypotheses were examined using structural equation modeling(SEM) by AMOS. Our findings indicate that both formal training and coaching has positive impacts on FLSE commitment to service. Specifically, informal coaching in daily life has stronger influence than traditional formal training on FLSE commitment to service. Thus, managers as well as new employees need to be trained repeatedly and systematically. The results also showed that FLSE commitment to service improves job-related outcomes such as job satisfaction and commitment to the firm. Therefore, FLSE commitment to service has to be emphasized in the service factory. The contribution and limitations of this research were discussed and the future possible researches were mentioned.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 공식교육과 지휘
  2. 서비스몰입
  3. 직무만족, 조직몰입
  4. 공식교육·지휘·서비스몰입의 관계
  5. 서비스몰입·직무만족·조직몰입의 관계
 III. 연구설계
  1. 연구모형
  2. 가설설정
  3. 변수의 측정
  4. 연구대상자 선정과 자료수집
 IV. 분석결과
  1. 인구통계학적 특성
  2. 측정도구의 신뢰성 및 타당성 검토
  3. 모형의 적합도 및 가설의 검정
 V. 결론 및 시사점


  • 유기석 Giseok Ryu. 수원과학대학
  • 고선희 Seonhee Ko. 경기대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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