

한국지역의 국제선 항공권 발권수수료 연구


Travel agent commissions on International Airline Tickets in Korean Market


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Distribution accounts for about 17% of airline's total operating costs and ranks as the third largest cost for an airline after applying to labor and fuel. Commission costs account for ~8% of the costs, while ticketing for 2-3%, computer reservation services fees for 2% and credit card fees for 2-3%. In recent years, airlines in US and many European countries have either set up travel agent commissions at a very low level or removed them altogether. However, in Asian countries including Korea, the powerful role of travel agents in controlling ticket distributions is seen as the major reason preventing airlines cutting down commissions. Air travel markets, among American, European and Korean markets, showing a quite different geographical and environmental characteristics. This paper provides an overview of the air travel market in Korea through the analysis of geographical and environmental characteristics. Conclusions, regarding the reduction of distribution costs suitable for Korean markets with international route services in Korean market is presented.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 항공권 유통경로 및 유형의 개념
  2. 항공사의 항공권 유통비용
 III. 국내외 항공사의 항공권 유통환경 변화 추세
  1. 국내외 항공사 항공권 유통경로의 변화 추세
  2. 국내외 항공사의 항공권 발권수수료 변화 추세
  3. 항공권 발권수수료에 영향을 미치는 유통환경의 특성
 IV. 한국지역의 국제선 항공권 유통환경과 발권수수료
  1. 한국지역의 국제선 항공권 유통 현황
  2. 한국지역 여행사의 항공권 발권수수료 영향 분석
  3. 한국지역 항공사의 항공권 발권수수료 영향 분석
  4. 한국지역 항공권 발권수수료 변화와 비용절감 효과
 V. 결론


  • 서선 Sun Seo. 인덕대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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