

국내와인산업 발전사에 관한 소고


A Study on the history of the Korean Wine Industry

방진숙, 조경숙

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Though the history of Korean wine industry is short, domestic wine market was formed by producing domestic wine Majuang in nineteen seventies thanks to government assistance in grape farming and wine production. I reviewed its history for 30 years classifying the development processes into 5 stages.
1. Introduction period(1970 - 1986) : Formed the winery complex and introduced wine into Korean alcohol industry by producing domestic wines like Majuang and Chateau Montbleu.
2. Import Wine Market Period(1987 - 1991) : As a result of negotiation on wine import with U.S.A, Korean wine market is open and foreign wine products were actively launched.
3. First Growth Period(1992 - 1996) : Wine market, especially red wine was expanded due to the improved living standard and increased interests.
4. Recession Period(1997 - 1998) : Due to the economic crisis from the 1997, wine consumption shrank dramatically, Accordingly, wine import companies and wine sales networks were seriously challenged.
5. Second Growth Period(1999 - present) : Consumption has been recovered along with economic recovery. Therefore, wine demand has been recovered along with economic recovery. Therefore, wine demand has been increased. Especially activated wine lover's societies and specialized wine education institute among young consumers and professionals in influenced many positive effects in Korean wine industry in this period.
Wine is very sensitive to the economic situation compared to other alcohols. And major consumers have certain level of incomes and interests in wine. The forecast says that wine consumption will increase stably for the next 10 years, but it will increase rapidly from then on.


I. 서론
  1. 국내와인산업 변천과정
  2. 와인소비의 변화
 II. 국내와인산업의 발전 과정
  1. 국내와인산업의 발전현황
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 방진숙 Jinsik Bang. 대한항공 와인 강사
  • 조경숙 Kyongsook Cho. 조은정 식공간 대표


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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