

French Voting System for Local Elections


Daniele Barberis

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



French voting system is multi‐level and complex, as a consequence of a long and rich history. There are three types of local elections in France; municipal, cantonal and regional, respectively electing municipalities, General Council and Regional Council.
There also are two types of national election; presidential election for the President of the Republic and legislative elections for the Deputies to the French national Assembly. Finally, there is one type of supranational election; European legislative elections for French representatives at the European Parliament.
This analysis will concern itself uniquely with the three local types of elections in France. What is their geographic field? What is the field of competence of the organ thus elected? How candidates are designated –by the central party, a regional branch of a party, or by their own means? And, mainly, what is the voting system in each case? Party‐list or single winner? Single round or two‐rounds? With or without ‘majority bonus’? Finally, what are the current tendencies of French voting system for local elections?


 Ⅰ. Definitions
 Ⅱ. overview of french local and national elections
 Ⅲ. Municipal Elections15) for municipalities
 Ⅳ. ‘Cantonal Elections’ for general councils
 Ⅴ. Regional Elections for regional councils
 Ⅵ. Conclusion


  • Daniele Barberis Ph.D. Professor of International Law, Yeungnam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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