

병풍쌈의 종자 및 임분별 생장 특성


Seed Characteristics of Parasenecio firmus Kom. and Its Growth Comparison among Forest Stands

박완근, 김영설, 이학봉, 김유신, 김남준, 김남영



It has long been recognized that wild vegetation are sort of improving fitness. Many peoples are now ingesting them instead of the vegetables that are grown in green house. In this regard, Parasenecio firmus, which is considered to be one of the rare species in Korea, has been given a lot of attentions as edible green plants recently. Hence it may be necessary to provide the information people who want to commercially cultivate the plants. Regarding appropriate forest stands that are fit for the cultivation. Firstly, we collected the seeds from 4 natural habitats to find out how many seeds are fully matured in the natural conditions. The quality of the seeds collected were found to be very low. However, it appeared as clear differences when screened seeds were grown in covered seed beds over winter. In this case the germination rate of the seeds was 95%, indicating that there may be no difficulty for mass production of plantlets. Secondly, in the field of planting test in an appropriate cultivating site among 6 of forest stands, those in Pinus koraiensis stand were the highest in survival rate, but somewhat low with those in Quercus mongolica and broad-leaved stands. Thus, it was demonstrated that forest stands dominated with conifer like P. koraiensis are more appropriate for the cultivation of P. firums.


 재료 및 방법
  종자특성 및 발아시험
 결과 및 고찰
  종자특성 및 발아시험


  • 박완근 Wan Geun Park. 강원대학교 산림과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 김영설 Young Sol Kim. 강원대학교 산림과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 이학봉 Hak Bong Lee. 강원대학교 산림과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 김유신 You Sin Kim. 강원대학교 산림과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 김남준 Nam Jun Kim. 강원대학교 산림과학대학 산림자원학과
  • 김남영 Nam Young Kim. 강원대학교 산림과학대학 산림자원학과


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