

가정건강성 평가도구 개발에 관한 연구


A Study on Development of Evaluation Scale for Health-Grade of Families

정영금, 박정윤, 송혜림

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was designed to develop the evaluation scale for health-grade of families. For this goal the related references and the programs of Healthy-Families-Center were analyzed. In the context with the goals and objects of programs in Healthy-Families- Center the index for the evaluation the health-grade of families was deducted. And the concrete items of health-grade of families in 3 parts(R: relation, M: management, E: environment) was discussed. In order to verify the validity and significance of the scale the survey for 200 samples was performed and the data from 191 samples was statistically analyzed. We suggested the application methods of this evaluation scale for health- grade of families. So the 8 types of families were came out: RME, RMe, RmE, rME, Rme, rMe, rmE, rme. Using this type of families the consulting and counselling for the enhancement of health-grade can be developed. We reached the conclusion that this evaluation scale has to be continuously developed and eleborated because the health- grade of families is one of the most important index for the effect of programs of Healthy Families Center.


 I. 서론
 II. 선행연구와 이론적 배경
  1. 가정건강성 평가와 관련된 연구경향
  2. 건강가정사업과 가정건강성
 III. 가정건강성 평가도구의 개발
  1. 지표선정과정
  2. 전문가조사를 통한 지표 선정
  3. 가정건강성 지표 검증을 위한 실태 조사
  4. 건강가정사업과 가정건강성의 연계체계
 IV. 가정건강성 지표의 적용을 통한 유형 분류 사례
 V. 결론: 가정건강성 평가도구의 활용
  1. 개별가정의 가정건강성 평가
  2. 가정건강성의 비교


  • 정영금 가톨릭대학교
  • 박정윤 중앙대학교
  • 송혜림 울산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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