An Analysis on the Geo-graphycacy in the Korean Geography Test as a part of the College Scholastic Ability Test from 2006 to 2010.
This thesis is designed to examine the definition of geo-graphycacy, which of increasing value as a purpose of geography education, and to analyze the questions related to geo-graphycacy which appeared in the Korean Geography test as a part of the College Scholastic Ability Test. For the research, a total of 88 questions related to geo-graphycacy were selected out of 100 questions on the Korean Geography test in the College Scholastic Ability Test for the last five years (from 2006 to 2010). The characteristics of geo-graphycacy which appeared on the Korean
Geography test in the College Scholastic Ability Test were closely studied. It is found that the questions of geo-graphycacy are narrowly focused on a few chapters, that the data used are getting more varied year by year, that the level of geo-graphycacy differs by textbooks written in accordance with the education curriculum, and that the level of geo-graphycacy of the College Scholastic Ability Test is higher than that of what students learn at school since the former contains a lot of difficult questions. In order to make it better, it is important to reorganize
the questions in order of chapters and to balance the level of difficulty, and to reveal the data necessary to analyze problems, such as the percentage of correct answers, the response rate according to the type of test, and the level of difficulty of the College Scholastic Ability Test. Besides, it is of significance to continuously update and establish a unified standard on geo-graphycacy in the education curriculum.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 지리도해력의 정의와 수준
1. 지리도해력의 정의
2. 지리도해력의 내용 및 수준
3. 지리교육과 지리도해력 평가
Ⅲ. 대학수학능력시험 한국지리의 지리도해력 문항 분석
1. 연도별 지리도해력 관련 문항
2. 지리도해력 관련 문항의 자료 유형별 분석
3. 정보처리 유형에 따른 지리도해력 수준 분석
4. 지리도해력 문항에서 요구되는 도해력 수준
Ⅳ. 요약 및 결론