



Research on Package-Design of Chinese ‘Puer Tea’ for Korean Market Expansion


金李娜, 洪涛

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Tea, however, has been perceived as the loved beverage from all over the world. Particularly in Korea, the tea is perceived as a certain set of culture in terms of its taste and its style, i.e. tea manner. These days, however, tea has been spotlighted by appealing a good source for the health too. Therefore it has become sensational for consuming tea in Korea. In a contemporary era, Chinese ‘Un-Nam Peur tea’, imported to Korea, is classified into two different types. 95% of the imported tea is purchased from YunNan Origin in order to export to Korea. The rest of them, thus 5% are purchased by merchandisers of GuangZhou, ShenZhen, and Hong Kong from the original Chinese province, Un-Nam. And then they are supposed to condition the purchased tea quickly in their own ways to sell. In this research, theoretical research framework was conducted by reading international and national tea-research papers, and previously conducted research papers. Also the internet resources were used to carry on this research. Based on this research framework and collected data, Puer Tea's brand, its image, package design was discovered. Additionally general perception about Chinese Puer tea and Korean tea market status quo analysis and also Chinese Puer Tea export and production market status quo were analyzed. Realistic analysis was conducted by analyzing customers' preferences, and market share. According to this, a certain preferred and popular Puer Tea brands were assorted. Henceforth, a popular Puer Tea brands' packages, specifically its color, symbol, logo, layout, illustration and photo, were analyzed in depth. However Chinese Puer Tea's market prediction is thought to be an important industry. Thus in-depth extra research is required in the future. Beginning with this research, primary advices and guidelines of tea market in Korea might have given to the readers. I hope this research piece would give a comprehensive help to the package design development of Chinese Puer Tea Brands, targeted to Korea.


中国名茶之一的普洱茶是具有各种魅力的茶。在普洱茶的制作过程里越久的茶是高价品。茶是很久以前开始受到各国人的喜爱,韩国重视茶的味道和文化。然而最近这种茶除了味道和文化以外,茶对身体健康有益的观点被重视,引起了饮茶热潮。目前, 云南普洱茶进入韩国市场可分两种。95%是由云南原产地出口到韩国,5%是广州,深圳,香港等商人在云南购买之后用特殊方法让普洱茶熟的快。对此,本研究的中国茶和普洱茶的理论性研究是以国内外文献研究和关于类似的研究,通过网络上的资料观察了普洱茶品牌,品牌形象,包装设计等理论背景,韩国茶和中国普洱茶,韩国茶叶市场分析和中国茶叶市场分析。在普洱茶品牌包装的实例中相互比较品牌的标志和包装设计要素。以包装设计要素为中心提出中国普洱茶进入韩国市场的问题点和改善方案。本研究是以韩国市场的茶品牌和中国市场的普洱茶品牌包装的资料为基础而研究,本研究的限度是不能比较一个品牌的所有产品的包装。希望通过本研究,中国普洱茶对韩国市场更加理解,以及往后普洱茶包装设计的发展有帮助。


 1. 绪论
  1.1. 研究背景与目的
  1.2. 研究范围与方法
 2. 中国茶的理论背景
  2.1. 中国茶的定义与起源
  2.2. 普洱茶的定义与种类
 3. 普洱茶的市场现状
  3.1. 韩国茶的市场现状
  3.2. 中国茶市场现状
  3.3. 中国普洱茶出口生产与市场现状
 4. 普洱茶品牌包装分析
  4.1. 韩国茶包装设计分析
  4.2. 中国普洱茶包装设计分析
  4.3. 比较分析结果
 5. 问题点与改善方案
  5.1. 问题点
  5.2. 改善方案
 6. 结论


  • 金李娜 김리나. 汉阳大学视觉包装设计专业
  • 洪涛 홍도. (株) 金星包装


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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