Web offset newspaper prints is the most widely used printing process in domestic printing industry, but there are no industry-wide specifications for press control to assure consistent quality across newspaper printing plants. As newspaper printing becomes more of a commodity and less of an art, it is necessary to develop the print quality specification standard suitable for Korea web offset newspaper printing field. There are a few commonly employed printing standards such as, SNAP (Specification for Non-Heatset Publication) of the US, IFRA(INCA-FIEJ Research Association), J-color (Japan printing machinery association). And there exists KS for domestic standards, however, since it has been directly imported from ISO standards, there are discrepancies in printing materials and media. This paper aims to examine the color reproduction quality of domestic web offset newspaper prints by comparing with foreign standards. Printing experiments on this study have been performed at one of the domestic newspaper printing companies. The color reproduction properties of the web offset newspaper prints are measured by means of densitometry and colorimetry. These measures are evaluated comapratively with the international standards by means of analyzing, the major factors that determine the color reproduction quality of web offset newspaper prints.
1. 서론
2. 실험
2-1. 원고준비 및 제판
2-2. 인쇄 및 인쇄물의 평가 방법
2-3. 색 측정 및 색차
3. 결과 및 고찰
3-1. 농도 측정에 의한 평가
3-2. 색 측정에 의한 평가
4. 결론