

열선 차단 필름용 니켈 착화합물의 합성과 특성


Synthesis and Properties of Nickel Complexes for the Thermal Shielding Film

곽선엽, 이태훈, 손세모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, a transparent film exposed the effect of heat cut-off, reveal as means of the prevention to wrong operation of parts of display and forgery of the credit card, also it will intercept rising of the temperature in interior of a room and car by diminish the influx of near-infrared ray wavelength of solar energy come from the window. As in the past a film which absorb a wavelength of 800~2500nm in near-infrared ray, manufactured in physical vapor deposition(PVD), chemical vapor deposition(CVD) to using ATO, ITO of inorganic materials or sputtering method. but it has lots of problem in manufacture. On the other hand, recently a paper said it easily form a transparent film to using organic dye. This paper show synthesis of many derivatives used in Ni-complex and then it investigate to optical property and durability of flim by make the transparent film.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험
  2-1. 시료 및 측정기기
  2-2. 중간체 합성
  2-3. Ni-complex의 합성
 3. 결과 및 고찰
  3-1. Ni-complex Dye의 열적 특성
  3-2. Ni-complex Dye의 광학적 특성
  3-3. 반응 조건에 따른 입자 크기
  3-4. 열선 조사 시 온도변화
  3-5. 고온․고습에 대한 내구성
 4. 결론


  • 곽선엽 Seon-Yeep Kwak. 부산정보대학 산업디자인학부 시각디자인계열
  • 이태훈 Tae-Hoon Lee. 부경대학교 공과대학 화상정보공학부 인쇄정보공학과
  • 손세모 Se-Mo Son. 부경대학교 공과대학 화상정보공학부 인쇄정보공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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