

일반 투고 논문

'주택고급화를 위한 예술’ : 하위문화 예술공동체를 시의 경제적, 도시적 활성화의 수단으로 이용하기


'Gentryfing Art': Using Subcultural Art Communities as a Means for a City's Urban and Economic Revitalisation

마탸즈 얼식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The article examines the attempts made at economic revitalisation of Ljubljana’s inner city and the consequences or “collateral damage” of this process. A lot of attention is given to the wider socio-cultural context, in which art istic practices are embedded in the city, and to the Slovenian population’s perception of such practices. Artistic groups and their practices are in this sense used as part of an ‘interim development’ strategy, i.e. temporary guests(non-statutory tenants) are warmly welcomed because their (sub)cultural capital happens to cultivate the area, making it "cool" and attractive, but when the value of the area’s real estate begins to rise their low-income status does not grant them any tenant protection. Regardless of the social role they played in revitalising the city, these groups are therefore gradually ousted from neighbourhoods, which quite ironically are often advertised in the real estate market as the city’s "Bohemian" or "cultural" quarters. This makes us aware of the lack of unique alternative or informal spaces, venues for alternative art movements and practices in the cities. These issues are presented on the cases of the alternative spaces of Metelkova and the Rog Factory, both located in Ljubljana’sinnercity.


I. 서론: 도시 활성화 과정과 감소하는 이질성
 II. 국가적 문화정책에서 공통문화의 우세
 III. 님비즘과 류블랴나의 대안공간
  공간을 위한 투쟁: 메텔코바와 로그 팩토리의 사례
 IV. 결론: 후기-과도기 사회에서의 하위문화 예술공동체


  • 마탸즈 얼식 Matjaz Ursic. 류블랴나 대학 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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