

道岬寺大雄寶殿의 造營에 관한 硏究 - 전통중층목조건축의 주칸설정과 상층체감기법을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Construction of Main Sanctuary of Dogapsa Temple - Focused on Establishing Bay of columns and Setback Technique in Upper Stories of Traditional Architecture with Multi Roof -

도갑사대웅보전의 조영에 관한 연구 - 전통중층목조건축의 주칸설정과 상층체감기법을 중심으로 -

신웅주, 이봉수, 박강철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The results of examining the architectural features and changes of the main building of Dogapsa temple which is multi roofs wooden structure are as follows. The passage comparing 'Dogapsa' of <>, account of Lee Ha Gon's trip as the literature showing the appearance of Dogapsa temple in the early 18th century to Borimsa through verse of 'Dutacho' was noticeable. Dogapsa temple at Yeongam was distant over 100 ri from Borimsa temple at Jangheung and it was considered that there were many temples at Mt. Wolchul, Yeongam and there were also many temples to be comparable with it. But, Dogapsa temple was compared to Borimsa temple because verses 'many-storied building is high and immense' of 'Dogapsa' at <> and 'Dogapsa is lower than Borimsa at Jangheung' at 'Dutacho' of <> were interpreted as the existence of multi roofs Buddhist temple which had something in common with Dogapsa and Borimsa and was comparable to them. According to existing materials, it was assumed that the main building of Dogapsa was burnt through the Japanese invasion of Korea in the 52nd year of the sexagenary cycle (Eulmyooebyeon, 1555) and Jungyujaeran (1597), but record of major history of the main buildings of Dogapsa and Borimsa indicated that multi roofs wooden structure of the two temples were built at the same period. Since multi roofs wooden structure of main building of Borimsa was rebuilt in 1692, these buildings existed from the early 18th century to middle 18th century.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
  1.3 선행연구고찰
 2. 도갑사의 연혁 고찰
  2.1 도갑사의 연혁
  2.2 중층 불전의 조영시기 추정
 3. 중층목조건축과 도갑사대웅보전
  3.1 중층목조건축의 개념
  3.2 중층목조건축의 유형
 4. 도갑사 대웅보전의 조영
  4.1 기단과 적심석의 배열
  4.2 연속구조방식의 유구와 비교
  4.3 도갑사 대웅보전의 조영
 5. 결론


  • 신웅주 Shin, Woong-Ju. 정회원, 일본나라문화재연구소 객원연구원, 공학박사
  • 이봉수 Lee, Bong-Soo. 정회원, (주)삼진건축사사무소 대표, 공학박사
  • 박강철 Park, Gang-Chul. 정회원, 조선대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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