

학교마을도서관 공간구성 특성에 관한 연구 - 강릉시 평생학습도시 사업을 통한 학교마을도서관의 실태조사를 중심으로 -


Study on the Characteristics of Space Organization of School Community Library - Focusing on a fact-finding study of school community library through life-learning city project carried out by Gangneung-si -

문정인, 이요한

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The main purpose of this study is to analyze construction of space through the investigation of the cases of school community library through Gangneung-si's life-learning project and the findings from the analysis could be summarized as below. Firstly, most space used for school community library has the size of two classes in school on average and locals use generally space for reference and learning at school community library. Secondly, the construction of space of school community library is categorized into one for book-returning, references, reading, group learning and information, and an audio-visual space is also used for group learning and reading. A space for book-returning has features based on the location of its entrance and a space for reading features stand-up and sitting-on space considering size and usability. And a space for group learning has the feature of space planning that makes it possible for local people to get library programs and seminars and a space for information shows its feature of space planning that uses the wall.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
 2. 이론고찰
  2.1 평생학습도시 사업 이론고찰
  2.2 학교도서관 및 학교마을도서관 이론고찰
 3. 실태 및 면담조사
  3.1 실태조사
  3.2 면담조사
 4. 학교마을도서관의 공간구성 특성과 개선방향
  4.1 학교마을도서관의 공간구성 요소
  4.2 학교마을도서관의 공간구성 특성
  4.3 개선방향
 5. 결론


  • 문정인 Moon, Jung-In. 정회원, 관동대학교 인테리어디자인학과 조교수
  • 이요한 Lee, Yo-Han. 정회원, 관동대학교 인테리어디자인학과 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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