

그레엄 그린의 『조용한 미국인』: 공존의 모색과 정신적 각성


Graham Greene’s The Quiet American: An Exploration of the Possibility of Coexistence


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lee, Jun-Eui. “Graham Greene’s The Quiet American: An Exploration of the Possibility of Coexistence.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 37.1 (2011): 153-73. In The Quiet American, Graham Greene experiments with the life of human beings in order to emphasize the humanitarian cause for the people who live around us. Through the characters of Alden Pyle and Thomas Fowler, Greene explores two important after-war philosophies: Existentialism and Linguistic Empiricism. A British correspondent, Fowler, standing for the former, refuses to get involved in this absurd world where we can’t understand anything logically. On the other side, Pyle, representing Linguistic Empiricism, is a young American who wants to marry Phuong with whom Fowler lives together. As a member of Economic Aid Mission, Pyle is competent and innocent but doesn’t know much about the real world. He tries to apply his half-baked ideas to the real world and causes a disaster. Having observed other people’s pain and innocent death caused by Pyle’s experiment, Fowler gradually comes to assume responsibility and to feel sympathy for them. The key to this novel lies in Fowler’s gradual recognition of humanity and the reality of others. Here Greene convincingly presents the protagonist’s spiritual awakening to humanity and lays great emphasis on the importance of attention and sympathy for others. (Daejeon Health & Sciences College)




  • 이준의 Lee, Jun-Eui. 대전보건대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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