JPEG is good for full color representation but is poor in quality of image because of the small size and the losing compression ways. GIF is a kind of format style made for image - transmission in Compuserve which is a method of PC communication in U. S. A and now is used in world wide web owing to the efficiency of file compression and transmission. But GIF only is used 256 colors, so the images in web has a poorer quality of colors effect to be compared with those of printed catalogues. Also there can be licence problems when the images is used for commercial uses because the possession is Compuserve. The PNG is a way that the total advantages of JPEG and GIF. PNG image file is a more skillful (bitmap display unit), shows a high quality image like TIFF image about, gives superior compression , a 10% to 30% represents full color, 256 color, gray like JPEG. GIF file which uses LZW compression file is a thing which pays licence, In other hands, PNG is free from licence and more skillful image processing method against image error, and it is possible to conserve the color information. Therefore, this treatise is about how various images which are utilized for commercial printings in web, can be made into PNG files about the compression file. And the representation of image by compared the G]U images with JPEG images as well as compression file and the representation of image the superiority of color representation. In addition, 1 check out how much ranges the PNG files are available for electronic publish printing.
1. 서론
2. 이론
2-1. PNG 이미지 변환 알고리즘
2-2. PNG 이미지의 엔코딩
3. 실험
3-1. 샘플 이미지 제작
3-2. 실험 방법
4. 결과 및 고찰
4-1. 이미지의 색차에 의한 평가
4-2. 이미지의 용량에 따른 평가
4-3. 이미지의 정량적 충실도에 의한 평가
4-4. 주관적인 이미지 평가
5. 결론