To take an information of substitutent effect and thermodynamic of J-aggregate at thiacarbocyanines, association constant , free energy of association G , enthalpies of J-aggregate H/suib J/ were measured by spectrophotometer according to dependence on concentration of dyes and temperature of aqueous MeOH and KCl salted-out system. With increase of concentration of dyes exhibited equilibria shift toward the aggregate. Phenyl meso substituted thiacarbycyanine, DyeIII, resulted in higher and G values than DyeI and DyeII. To easily make J-aggregate of thiacarbocyanine, meso substutituene group need to be a flat structure, which will make a park as well as lain tiles.
Meso 치환 thiacarbocyanine 색소의 J-aggregate 형성시 치환기 효과와 열역학적인 정보를 얻기 위한 수단으로 UV/Vis 분광기를 이용하여 색소농도변화에 따른 회합정수 , 회합자유에너지G , 회합엔탈피 H 를 구하였다. 그 결과 농도증가와 함께 J-aggregate의 생성이 증가하였으며 온도감소와 함께 J-aggregate형성쪽으로 회합평형상수가 이동하였다. 치환기 효과로는 phenyl기의 치환이 평면구조를 형성하는데 있어서도 methyl, ethyl기 치환체보다 회합체형성이 유리하였으며 회합자유에너지와 회합엔탈피도 alkyl기 치환체보다 증가하였다.
I. Introduction
II. Experimental
III. Results and Discussion
IV. Conclusion