Most important step for the color matching in scanner is the color coordinate transformation from the scanner RGB space to device independent uniform color space. A variety of color calibration technologies have been developed for input device. Linear or nonlinear matrices have been conveniently applied to correct the color filter's mismatch with color matching function in scanners. The color matching accuracy is expected to be further improved when the nonlinear matrices are optimized into subdivided smaller color spaces than in single matrix of the entire color space. This article proposed the scanner calibration method using subspace division regression analysis and it were compared with conventional method.
I. 서론
II. 이론
2-1. 장치 독립적 색변환에 의한 스캐너 보정
2-2. 다중회귀 방정식을 이용한 색변환 방식
III. 실험
3-1. 실험 장치
IV. 결과 및 고찰
4-1. 비선형 다중회귀 분석에 의한 색변환 결과
4-2. 분할된 색공간상에서의 비선형 다중회귀 분석법에 의한 색변환 결과
V. 결론