

Is L2 Vocabulary Learning Incidental or Intentional?: A Review Essay



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Vocabulary is arguably central to language acquisition and use, and recently there is a growing interest in vocabulary acquisition among L2 researchers and teachers. This article examines whether the learning of L2 vocabulary is incidental or intentional reviewing the research that has addressed each type of learning. The studies reviewed suggest that vocabulary teaming is primarily incidental with the learner guessing the meaning of unknown words through the use of contextual clues. However, L2 vocabulary learning from context Is neither efficient nor effective and some researchers argue for some direct teaching large numbers of initial words with the later stages being more context-based. Some empirical studies found positive evidence in support of a combination of reading plus instruction for vocabulary learning. In addition, the studies reviewed showed that oral context as well as written text has a role as a source of input for vocabulary acquisition.


 1. Introduction  2. Incidental Vocabulary Learning
 2.1. Vocabulary Learning from Context
 2.2. Factors Affecting L2 Incidental Vocabulary Learning
 2.3. Research Evidence for L2 Incidental Vocabulary Learning
 2.4. Problems with L2 Incidental Vocabulary Learning
 3. Some Alternative Approaches
 4. Summary Conclusions


  • 한영주


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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