The purpose of this study was to analyze the content and consumption of total sugar from school lunches at Incheon and Chuncheon. The samples were collected from eight elementary schools and eight middle schools in Incheon and Chuncheon for 15 days. The analysis of total sugar content was performed for 1334 main dishes, side dishes, and desserts, which were supplied by elementary and middle school foodservices. Total sugar content was extracted from various types of food with 50% ethanol after defatting. We simultaneously analyzed sugars such as fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, and lactose by a high performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detector. The average lunch intake for elementary school and middle school students was 372.6±72.2 g and 449.2±81.1 g, respectively. The total sugar content in desserts was 7.21±6.32 g/100 g, 1.69±2.44 g/100 g in side dishes, and 0.32±0.77 g/100 g in main dishes. Among side dishes, fried foods, stir-fried foods, and sauces contained the highest amounts of total sugar. The total sugar intake was 4.63±5.11 g in desserts, 0.64±1.01 g in side dishes, and 0.55±1.48 g in main dishes. Main and side dishes with a high total sugar intake included cooked rice with seasoning, fried foods, stir-fried foods, and preserved foods. The average total sugar intake per meal for elementary school, middle school, and all students was 4.03±3.67 g, 6.97±6.59 g, and 5.50±5.53 g, respectively. We have provided useful information to decrease the intake of total sugar in school lunches. It is recommended that total sugar intake be continuously monitored.
재료 및 방법
학교선정 및 급식수거
시약 및 기기
시료 전처리 방법 및 표준용액 조제
당 섭취량 측정
통계 분석
결과 및 고찰
학교급식 메뉴의 음식군별 당 함량
학교급식 메뉴의 음식군별 당 섭취량
급식일별 한 끼당 평균 당 섭취량