

New Zealand 영어의 몇 가지 특성


Some Aspects of New Zealand English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to explore some aspects of New Zealand English(NZE) and to provide a more complete understanding of NZE. NZE has developed as a dialect of Oxford English or BBC English. However, the lexical items and expressions of NZE reflect New Zealandisms, for instance, sleepout (a separated small building for guests) The pronunciation of NZE is also quite different from that of BBC English; for instance, every cardinal vowel is pronounced at the one level higher position. that is/e/of of NZE has the same value as /i/ of BBC English. In addition to this, some New Zealanders use quite different expressions such as We wasn't allowed to walk on the floor (disagreement of numbers), I done all the talking (tense), Her and Malcom were mates (case). You could make it more cleaner (double comparative), however, these are regarded as ungrammatical expressions in BBC English and American English.


 0. 서론  1. 발음
 1.1 모음 혼합 이론
 1.2 단일 기원설
 1.3 모음의 구분
 1.4 이중모음
 2. 억양(intonation)
 3. 어휘
 3.1 Maori에서 차용
 3.2 척도 표현
 3.3. 철자
 3.3. New Zealandism
 4. 문법
 5. 결론


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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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