

회당 손규상의 근대불교 인식


The study of Hoedang's Awareness to Korean Buddhism in modern times


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Hoedang was born 1902 eulleung Island in Kyungbuk province. Following he studied the Chinese classics as a boy, studied the modern sciences a youth. His eye for a world is a result of his hard work. He believed in the Buddhism in 1937, realized the social role of Korean Buddhism in modern times.
He plan to formulate the new Buddhist system that was suited to Korean modern times. Because not only the Korean Buddhism contributed to the mind of Korean people for a long time, but also contributed to a political ideology, keep the tradition culture, etc.
He suggested a many plan of Korean Buddhism in his articles. In this articles, he thought if Korean Buddhism in modern times had developed in a democratized country, it was divided into many Buddhist orders.
The diversity in a Korean Buddhism was not division, it was development. He hoped the new Mahayana Buddhism corrected in this background.
He formulated a plan of the union of political and economic supporters, and the union of Buddhist orders united many order's play. If this conditions had permitted, Korean Buddhism became a independent religion.
Therefore, we know Hoedang was a pioneer that suggested a way of the Korean Buddhism in modern times, in situation from a foreign intervention and another religion were became prevalent in Korea.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 불교에 대한 인식 방향
  1. 전통불교에 대한 시각
  2. 근대불교에 대한 인식
 Ⅲ. 근대불교의 지향과 역할
  1. 근대사회의 불교 방향
  2. 근대불교의 이원적 신행
 Ⅳ. 맺는말


  • 진상(김경집) Kyung-Jib, Kim. 진각대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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