

사회격변기를 맞은 네팔에서의 종교자유 확대에 따른 불교적 대처방안


The Buddhist attitudes to the expanding religious freedom in Nepal


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nepal was the only country of establishing Hinduism as the state religion until 2008. Therefore, the activity of different religions was very restrictive because of Hinduism propensity of governmental policy. However, the religious activity in Nepal is coming to be free gradually due to the religious free law which is proclaimed with the collapse of rule of kingship. Christian is specially extending by geometric progression. The Open Doors, the international Christian group who helps persecuted Christians annually announces reports of the index to world-wide Christian persecution.
According to those annual reports, Nepal is evaluated as one of the countries, together with China where the amicable environments about Christianity is quickly created. The Buddhist missionary activities and education are still staying to a low level, then need to make more spurt.
Nowadays, along with the social and political circumstances in Nepal, religious situation is suddenly changing as well.
In a sudden altered circumstances, Christianity is magnifying social and religious influences with rigorous attention to detail. Therefore, It is very important to try to critically observe their missionary strategies. This leads Dharma friends of us in Nepal to awaken stimulations to present about new countermeasure for Buddhist missionary activities.
This research, in order to secure current of the times, will apply newspaper data, the various statistical data of Central bureau of Statistics of government of Nepal and verbal evidence of local experts.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 네팔의 사회적 상황
 Ⅲ. 네팔의 종교적 환경과 변화추이
  1. 기독교의 네팔선교
  2. 타종교 선교에 대한 불교적 반성과 대응
 Ⅳ. 나가는 말


  • 수각 Ven. Su-Gak. 성진심인당 주교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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