

육자진언 신앙의 변천에 대하여


On transition of belief in the Six-syllabled mantra


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The belief in the Six-syllabled mantra shows differently as the forming and developing times and Buddhistic conditions of each country. Thus it was thought to be one way taking a look into each country's Scripture about the Six-syllabled mantra.
Based on that, the study tried to examine dogmatic things and self-disciplinary systems on the related Scriptures in line with diachrony.
That's why the dogmatic things and self-disciplinary systems have been inherited from India and China and changed. Following that, explored the doctrines of the underlying Scripture on the thought that the grounds of the changed doctrines should be come up with.
The related Scripture to the Six-syllabled mantra is 「Karandavyuha」(大乘莊 嚴寶玉經) organized in India, whose time and place is uncertain, but original or Tibet translation is still available now. The original text brought to Tibet is found in mani bkah hbum. About 4C, in the reign of tho-tho-rignan-btsan, four treasures were come from heaven, among which this Scripture was included. In 40 years after that, they say four aliens came to teach the charity and offering on this Scripture. Also mani bkah hbum preaches on the origin and charity of the Six-syllabled mantra, which records the teachings of the Tibet's 5th King, Sron btsan sgam po (late 6C-mid 7C).
「Karandavyuha」 was translated in Chinese by Cheonsikjae(天息災) coming to China in 5th year of Heunggook, Song Taejong(980), who started to translate from the 7th year of Heunggook, and died in 3rd year of Hampyeong(1000), so which was preseumed to have been translated between 982 and 1000. About the Six-syllabled mantra, there is 「聖觀自在求修六字禪定」 preaching on selection, five Buddha's attainment and six principle's salvation of the Six-syllabled mantra, and attainment of Six paramitas, whose editor or original is unclear, but which is involved in mani bkah hbum judging from the text and abstract and epilogue, and assumed to have been formed before Won Dynasty in China.
Available text at Korea is 「觀世音菩薩六字大明王陀羅尼神祝經」 which put together six-syllabled mantra arrangements, 「大明王經」, 自己觀音密呪觀念圖,
自己觀音密呪觀念說. And recent translations by Yongseong Baek Sang Gyu(白祥奎)(1864~1940) are three kinds of 「六字大明王經」, 「六字大明王經詩誦法詩誦法」, 「六字靈感大明王經」.
At first, let's look at the dogmatic changes of the Six-syllabled mantra in these Scriptures.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 경전을 통해 본 신앙의 변천
  1. 교리적인 부분
  2. 수행체계
 Ⅲ. 육자진언 신앙 변천의 교리적 내용
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 명운(김치온) Prof. Kim Chi On. 진각대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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