

모발에 관한 주관적인 인식과 모발관리에 관한 탐색적 연구 - 일부지역 여성들을 대상으로


An Exploratory Study Subjective Awareness of Hair and Hair Care - Some Areas to Target Women


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The result of the study had a meaningful differences according to the age, the occupation, and the respondents' recognition of damage. The main results are as follows. In this study, subjective awareness of hair, hair maintenance, and hair treatment behaviors were researched in an attempt to help a better understanding in women's psychological characteristics. This study surveyed 100 women between 32 and 80 years old in Busan city by filling out the questionnaire from JUN 2010 to SEP 2010. The questionnaire consisted of 35 questions about hair maintenance, hair treatment behaviors, and the condition of hair. The most frequently performed hair treatments at home was 'hair drying' for those under 61 years old, and was "hair coloring" for those above 61 years old(p<.001). In the question of the frequency of shampooing, 'once in a day' for the under 61 years old and 'once in 2 days' for the above 61 years old were the most popular answers(p<.001). In the question of shampoo products in use, 'using a rinse after shampooing' for the under 61 years old and 'using a shampoo&rinse combined products' for the above 61 years old were the majority answers(p<.001). When it comes to the hair style and condition, it appeared that the older respondents thought it more positively. In the question about the thickness of hair, the majority of the under 61 years old answered they had 'thin hair' and the majority of the above 61 years old answered they had 'moderately thick hair'. In the question asking concern about hair, those under 61 years old mostly worried that they 'didn't have fine(silky) hair' and those above 61 years old mostly worried about their 'white hair'(p<.001).
In the question of damage level of hair, the highest percentage of people among the under 61 years old thought their hair was 'damaged', and the highest percentage of people among the above 61 years old thought that their hair was 'normal'(p<.001).
When making a comparison between job groups, the most frequently performed hair treatment at home was 'hair drying' for service/sales, office, professional jobs, and 'hair coloring' was the most frequently performed hair treatment at home for the housewives(p<.005).
In the frequency of shampooing, the most number of people in service/sales, office, professional jobs shampooed "once in a day" and the most number of the housewives shampooed 'once in 2 days'(p<.001). In shampoo products in use, the most number of people in service/sales, office, professional jobs were 'using a rinse after shampooing' and the most number of the housewives were 'using a shampoo&rinse combined products'(p<.001).
In the question asking awareness of hair thickness, the most number of people in service/sales jobs chose 'thick hair' and 'thin hair' respectively, and the most number of people in office jobs thought they had 'thin hair', and the most number of people in professional jobs thought they had 'thick hair'. The majority of the housewives thought they had 'moderately thick hair'.
In the questions asking concern about hair, the most number of people in service/sales jobs were worried that they 'didn't have fine(silky) hair', and the most number of people in office/professional jobs chose 'loss of hair', and the most number of the housewives chose 'white hair' as their worries(p<.05).
In the question asking damage level of hair, the most number of people in service/sales jobs answered that their hair 'was damaged', and the most number of the professionals answered 'damaged' and 'normal' at the same time. The most number of the housewives answered they had 'normal hair status'(p<.001).
According to the recognized hair damage level, there were differences in hair maintenance and recognized hair condition. The most number of long-haired or mid-haired people stayed in 'badly damaged' and 'damaged' hair groups. Also, the most number of short-haired people stayed in 'normal' and 'healthy' hair group(p-value<.001). The most number of people in the 'badly damaged' and 'damaged' hair groups 'used rinse after shampooing', and the majority of the 'normal' hair group used 'shampoo&rinse combined products', and the majority of the 'healthy' hair group 'used only shampoo'(p-value<.05).
In regards of hair thickness, the majority of the 'badly damaged' and 'damaged' hair groups thought they had 'thin hair', and the majority of the 'normal' hair group thought they had 'moderately thick hair', and the majority of the 'healthy' hair group thought they had 'thick' hair(p<.001).


본 연구는 여성의 심리적 특성을 이해하는데 도움이 되고자 모발에 대한 인식도와 미용형태의 연령별, 직업별 차이를 비교하고, 모발 손상도와 모발형태 및 미용행태의 차이를 연구하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 32~80세까지의 여성 100명을 대상으로 약 3개월간 연구를 진행하였다. 자료처리는 모발관리, 미용행태, 모발에 관한 인식, 3가지 기준으로 나눠 조사한 후 상관관계를 분석하였다. 그 결과 모발관리 및 미용행태는 연령별, 직업별로 차이가 있었고, 모발에 관한 인식 연구 결과에 있어서도 다소 차이가 있었다.


< 요약 >
 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상 및 연구방법
  2. 자료처리
 Ⅲ. 연구결과
  1. 연구 대상자의 일반적인 상황
  2. 연령별 미용행태(行態) 및 모발관리 비교
  3. 연령별 모발형태 및 상태에 관한 인식정도 비교
  4. 직업별 미용행태(行態) 및 모발관리 비교
  5. 직업별 모발형태 및 상태에 관한 인식정도 비교
  6. 인식하는 모발손상도별 미용행태(行態) 및 모발관리 비교
  7. 인식하는 모발손상도별 모발형태 및 상태에 관한 인식정도 비교
 Ⅳ. 고찰
 Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


  • 최영진 Choi, Young-Jin. 춘해보건대학 보건행정과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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