

초등학교 체육교과서에서 나타난 민속놀이 특성


Characters of Elementary School's Physical Education Textbooks


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study were investigated for the characters by analysis these games that were written textbooks of physical education for the elementary school. Traditional games were classified one activity domain in physical education in the 4th curriculum revision. And through the curriculum revision was progressing, traditional games are showed tendency that were increased game numbers. Total traditional games of physical education textbooks for the elementary school are 35 games from 1st curriculum till 7th curriculum revision. Total traditional games of physical education textbooks for the elementary school are 35 events from 1st curriculum till 7th curriculum revision. Essential ones of these traditional games are 11 events Korean Circe Dance(Ganggangsulrea), Teeter-totter, A Farmer's Foke Band, Korean wrestling, Kite-flying, Korean Hockey game, Play shuttlecock with the feet, Ropeskipping, Korean masked dance, Taek̈wöndo, the whipcord of a top. Among these games are included in 15 adult games such as are Korean Circe Dance(Ganggangsulrea), Play a Swing, Teeter-totter, A Farmer's Foke Band, Paduk, Korean wrestling, Kite-flying, Korean hockey game, Play shuttlecock with the feet, Rope skipping, Tug-of-war, Chajuan-nolri, Korean masked dance, Taek̈wöndo, Tooho Game. Characters of the traditional games in physical education textbooks of the elementary school. Aim are played that are children perform to amusement and physical disciple, adult are performed in big group an aim to supplicate the richness, to expel the woe in their village. Subjects are played these games are more children's than male's, boy's than girl's, male's than female's. As one are reachered Korean traditional games contents, season are that one are performed more traditional games is all season to children and winter, and adult's games are at spring and fall. These games that one are performed with small group mostly. And Traditional games‘ apparatus are made by the grass(straw rope), wood, small stone, korean paper etc in surrounding living household easily. Traditional games of Korean are transmitted to next generation through education. and the curriculum planner must selected prudently traditional games' contents in physical education.


Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구의 목적 및 필요성
  2. 연구방법
 Ⅱ. 체육교과서 민속놀이의 특성
  1. 교육과정별 민속놀이의 특성
  2. 교과서상의 민속놀이의 내용의 특성
  3. 초등학교 민속놀이의 민속학적 특성
  4. 체육교과서의 민속놀이의 문제점과 대책
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 공기화 Kong, Ki-Hwa. 부산교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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