As the people who have various cultural background; international marriage, foreign worker, north korea defector; is increasing these days, Korea is undergoing a complete change from homogeneous society to multicultural society. In this situation, The 2007 revised curriculum has increased interesting and discussion about multicultural education with putting forward importance and direction of that. Multicultural family's students were experiencing many difficult things when they study in the school. Among others, the most biggest difficult thing was poor progress in learning. On the other hand, It makes physical education(P.E.) worthy that multicultural family's students like best and are interested in P.E. In this respect, research intended to search the role of school P.E for multicultural education. For example, It presented direction of P.E and of education in the Multicultural education. It also proposed the role of school P.E and teacher for multicultural education with basing on practice task of elementary school P.E. It needs for teachers to try to recognize unconcern as concern, criticism as self-improvement.
Ⅱ. 다문화교육에서의 체육교육
1. 다문화교육 방법
2. 체육교육의 통합적 방향
3. 다문화교육에서 체육교사의 역할
Ⅲ. 결론
- 1경기도다문화교육센터(2007). 학교 다문화교육을 위한 10대 교사 가이드라인. 제2차 다문화교육 포럼 자료집.
- 2고문수(2006). 초등학교 게임수업에서 갈등의 원천과 해소. 인천대학교 대학원 박사학위논문.
- 3Exploring on the directions for practical the values in elementary physical education class네이버 원문 이동
- 4다문화 사회에서의 초등체육교육의 방향 및 과제네이버 원문 이동
- 5교육과학기술부(2008.10). 다문화가정 학생 교육지원 방안. 교육과학기술부발표자료.
- 6교육인적자원부(2007). 초․중․고등학교 교육과정. 서울: 교육인적자원부.
- 7Young N. Korean Defectors' Attending Schools in South Korea네이버 원문 이동
- 8The realities of schooling for migrant worker's children from Mongolia in South Korea네이버 원문 이동
- 9김정원․이혜영․배은주․허창수(2005). 외국인 근로자 자녀 교육복지 실태 분석 연구. 한국교육개발원 연구보고 RR 2005-5.
- 10박성용(2002). 다문화사회와 교육의 패러다임 전환. 비폭력평화물결.