

영어 구동사의 인지적 학습에 관한 연구


Learning English Phrasal Verbs through the Cognitive Approach


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



English phrasal verbs are very often used in colloquial English, but their meanings are considered arbitrary, and cause much difficulty to EFL students. However, recent studies of cognitive semantics suggest that languages reflect our conceptual system which is structured by image schemas and conceptual metaphors, and therefore, most linguistic expressions are not arbitrary, but motivated. In this respect, this study was to show that English phrasal verbs, which were considered independent of our conceptual system and only to be memorized, can be presented to EFL students in a more meaningful way through image schemas and conceptual metaphors. For this purpose, this study sorted out English Phrasal verbs with OUT and put them into several groups by the standard of image schemas and conceptual metaphors. The results are as follows: First, the meanings of particles which were considered arbitrary could be presented in a meaningful way by showing underlying conceptual system of the moaning through transformation of the image schemas and conceptual metaphors. Second, cognitive semantic approach can facilitate retention and creative loaming of English phrasal verbs by activating the subconscious conceptual system onto the conscious level.
In conclusion, the cognitive semantic approach to English phrasal verbs can be an effective alternative to the traditional method of learning phrasal verbs in a more motivated and creative way. So it is recommended that further studies on the cognitive semantic approach to learning languages be carried out to understand idiomatic expressions effectively.


 1. 들어가기  2. 인지적 접근법
 2.1 범주화와 인지의미론
 2.2 개념적 은유
 2.3 영상도식
 3. 구동사 학습
 3.1 제1단계: 구성소의 핵심의미 개념화
 3.2 제2단계: 기본적 의미에서 추상적 의미로 확대
 3.3 제3단계: 학습된 개념의 내재화와 활용화
 4. 맺는 말


  • 오주영


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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