

초등학생 태권도 겨루기 선수와 품새 선수의 등속성근력 및 체력비교


Comparison with Isokinetic Muscle Strength and Physical Fitness between Taekwondo Player and Poomsae Player in Elementary School

박기용, 김성진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of isokinetic muscle strength and fitness in the taekwondo player of elementary school and poomsae player, Twenty four participants were assigned, 5~6 with elementary school of taekwondo player boys (n=12) and poomsae player (n=12). Subjects of this study were who lives in D metropolitan. Using the Cybex 770(cybex NormTM Test & Rehabilitation) isokinetic dynamometer and the measures were knee joint of both, trunk muscle of protractor muscle and flexor muscle from average power %BW. The data obtained from each measure were analyzed using Independent t-test, Mean, Standard Deviation from SPSS/PC 12.0 Version. The significance level set al α=.05. From the results of better in Comparison with isokinetic muscle It showed the shame where the taekwondo player is higher poomsae player than from maximum strength(60°/sec) and the musclar endurance(240°/sec), shame where taekwondo player is higher poomsae player than from muscular strength(60°/sec) and the muscle power(90°/sec) to trunk muscle. In addition to physical fitness(burpee test, side step, standing high jump, turn a skipping rope) did show significantly from Taekwondo Player of Elementary School and Poomsae Player(p<.001).


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상
  2. 측정항목 및 방법
  3. 통계처리
 Ⅲ. 연구결과
  1. 각 집단의 60°/sec 부하속도에서 슬관절 근력의 굴근력과 신근력의 최대근력
  2. 각 집단의 180°/sec 부하속도에서 슬관절 근력의 굴근력과 신근력의 최대근력
  3. 각 집단의 240°/sec 부하속도에서 슬관절 근력의 굴근력과 신근력의 근지구력
  4. 각 집단의 60°/sec 부하속도에서 요부근력의 굴근력과 신근력의 최대근력
  5. 각 집단의 90°/sec 부하속도에서 요부의 굴근력과 신근력의 근파워
  6. 각 집단의 120°/sec 부하속도에서 요부의 굴근력과 신근력의 근지구력
  7. 태권도 겨루기 선수와 품새 선수의 기초체력 비교
 Ⅳ. 논의
 Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


  • 박기용 Park, Ki-Yong. 영남대학교
  • 김성진 Kim, Sung-Jin. 영남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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