

일반 논문

대학수학능력시험 현대 소설 기출 문항 분석 -「문학」과목 교육과정과의 상관성을 중심으로-


Sample Question Analysis of the Modern novels from previous College Scholastic Ability Test -By focusing on relativeness of literature educational course-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



By recognizing correlations problems of the educational courses, school, education, and college scholastic ability exam, in this research, the modern novels questions of the language section from 1994's 1st exam to 2010's current exam was analyzed to be reflected the contents of the high school's literature educational course properly. First of all, based on the correlations of educational courses and college scholastic ability exam, the educational goal and contents system of ‘literature’ educational courses from the 5th educational courses which are applied by the 1994's college freshmen who have begun to take the college scholastic ability exam to 7th educational courses which are applied by the 2010's college freshmen were looked over. Although as a literature study purpose, based on the change in the course of study, the study course has been organized to enhance the quality of ability to use Korean, when compared with the other subjects or other sections of Korean, the statue of ‘literature’ section has been fallen. After that, from 1994's 1st exam to 2010's exam, the modern literature exam question's correlations of the analysis of literatures, and educational courses were analyzed. As a result, we had reached a conclusion that the questions were somewhat reflecting the educational courses, however, they are yet to reflecting the courses evenly. Therefore, the number of questions about the ‘literature and culture,’ and ‘the value and attitude of literature’ which were not generally covered should be increased and the number of questions about the ‘acception and writing of the literature’ which were the common questions should be reduced and the questions should be differentiated themselves from the questions trend what we used to have. In order to achieve the teaching instruction, study method in the direction of supporting the basic purpose of literature study course, the concrete contents and goal of college scholastic examination evaluation should have a root in the literature educational course. By that way, the students can actively internalize by reading the literature through a literature study course without thinking the instruction and educational course as the different thing. For uniting the scholastic exam and studying ability which has been earned from the educational course, the research on the study course should be made actively and the best study courses should be designed. And for the college scholastic exam, the development of questions which can be evaluated the study course should be made by the instructors and literature education specialists.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 제5ㆍ6ㆍ7차 「문학」과목 교육과정의 비교
 Ⅲ. 「문학」 과목 교육과정과 현대 소설 기출 문항과의 상관성 분석
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김효찬 Kim, Hyo-chan. 공주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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