Ecofeminist Characteristics of Modern Poems by Women -Mainly from poems of Moon Chung-Hee, Jeong Ggeut-Byeol, Na Hee-Deok, Kim Seon-Woo-
This thesis searches for the possibility of recovering true human nature and the ecosystem broken down by modern civilization in women's poems showing an ecofeminist world view. It is based on the works of Moon Chung-Hee, Jeong Ggeut-Byeol, Na Hee-Deok, and Kim Seon-Woo. Ecofeminism urges women to reflect on the relationship between nature and herself as a main subject and to show the values of life and new environmental virtues. Especially as women who give birth, women restore the values of interactive lives and reestablish the relationship between nature and humans by raising an objection to seeing nature as an objectified nature. These poems show the reality of women as socially weak persons through the author's own experience and world view. They also show their will to overcome it. In their poems we can find the morals of equality and coexistence that ecofeminism strives for from a more positive viewpoint. Moon Chung-Hee realized the restoration of nature and womanhood in two ways. One is to perceive the original trait of humans and nature as sacred. The other is to see the relationship of man and woman not as opposing forces but as a balance for each other. With this she aims at the restoration of human nature to live peacefully together. By equating the essence of nature with motherhood, Jeong Ggeut-Byeol seeks hope for the future in the life force of motherhood and wishes for the wounds of the past to be healed in it. Her maternity is a revolving one which is more concerned in the greatness of curing and restoring rather than in accusing the tainted ideas of motherhood. This tolerance and love are the main impetus for leading us to a progress with hope in an era of dispair and conflict. Na Hee-Deok's poems also strive for the coexistence of all things with mothers' eyes. However, her motherhood is not a victim or an abstract one but the core of life, which differs from Jeong Ggeut-Byeol's one. Kim Seon-Woo has changed the stereotype of a woman's body in a new definition of maternity. It contains not only life but also pleasure. She seeks a world that does not distinguish between life and pleasure. This wisdom of coexistence achieved by the individual's volunteer action will be a main alternative for changing the real world deserted by competition. The future for modern poems must be bright, for these women poets' aims for the ecofeminism is a great force to endure conflicts in the twenty first century.
Ⅱ. 에코페미니즘의 형성과 수용
Ⅲ. 현대 여성시에 나타난 에코페미니즘적 특성
1. 문정희 : 평화와 평등의 원리
2. 정끝별 : 사랑과 포용의 원리
3. 나희덕 : 균형과 조화의 원리
4. 김선우 : 회생과 치유의 원리
Ⅳ. 에코페미니즘 여성시의 의의
Ⅴ. 결론
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