

일반 논문

김달진 시에 나타난 ‘빛’의 심상 고찰


Contemplation of the image of light appearing in Kim, Dal-Jin’s poems


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Dal-jin’s poems are particularly marked by the image of light. The light appears in nature, and is also found in life and space. I would like to delve into what the light in his poem signifies through several of his poems and to attempt to explore what the light suggests to alienated modern people like us. His poem, life reflects the image of the current self. Here, the light
reveals my life to the world. The existence is made possible by light. Here, the light is a ‘light of vitality’. It unveils true self-awakening from delusions by bringing light into darkness.
His poems typically use the symbols of light. His poems reveal a world of empty mind and a spirit of retreat from the secular world in an attitude of strengthened world by one’s clear and calm conduct. By being devoted to Buddhism, Kim, Dal-Jin attempts to transcend from a limited being and to find his identity as an infinite being. He cites ‘spring water’ as a mirror to reflect and ponder over his own view. In Sadness in spring water, he expresses men’s state of absolute
purity and absolute solitude in simple words. We can see that he is composed, quiet and has a strong will to contemplate himself. Spring water means a ceaseless self-reflection and beneath it, there lies a shadow of darkness. Starting to look inside, the poet came to see the things in an objective stance. See the things in the eyes of self means being free from self-pity and self-obsession.


I. 들어가며
 II. 자연합일의 빛 : 지혜, 動의 세계
  1. 무상
  2. 청정한 언어
 III. 삶, 공간의 빛 : 禪定,  靜의 세계 
  1. 자아성찰
  2. 純粹正觀
 IV. 마무리


  • 김윤영 Kim, Yun-young. 공주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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